Hay fever and tick season started
2023-05-02 -These months are not the most fun for many hay fever sufferers. There is a lot of pollen from trees, grasses and plants floating in the air. With hay fever you have an allergy to the pollen. Your mucous membranes become irritated when this pollen comes into contact with your eyes, nose, mouth, throat or trachea. This causes symptoms such as sneezing a lot, a stuffy nose, itchy or watery eyes, shortness of breath and you are tired. A nasal spray or allergy medication can help. Keep the windows closed on sunny days with a lot of wind.
In addition to these inconveniences, we can also suffer from ticks this season. A tick is a small creature of about 1 to 3 millimeters and often has a black-brown color. They are found in forests, shrubs, tall grass, heathland, gardens and in parks. Ticks can only crawl. When bitten, the tick bites into your skin. The bite can occur on the entire body. Usually the tick is in warm, moist places, such as in your armpit, the back of your knees or in your groin. In children, they are often on the head, behind the ears or in the neck. A tick bite does not hurt, but it can cause complaints. More information about ticks and hay fever? Check out www.thuisarts.nl .
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