Huisartsenpost Tilburg

Life threatening situation? Always call 112
Life threatening situation? Always call 112

Campaign for parents with young children launched

  • Campaign for parents with young children launched

    As parents, we all suddenly recognize high fever, earache, vomiting, a wound or fall… All things that you can suddenly have to deal with as a parent of a young child. But what do you do when this happens at the weekend or in the evenings and your own GP is no longer available? When […]

  • Stappenplan om te bepalen of spoedzorg nodig is.

    Large crowds in emergency care

    Emergency care is very busy. This is because many people call 112 or the GP medical station. This is not always necessary. Telephone lines are therefore overloaded. It takes longer for people to be properly helped. We want to continue to give everyone the best possible care. You can help with that. Prepare well In […]

  • Niezende vrouw

    Hay fever and tick season started

    These months are not the most fun for many hay fever sufferers. There is a lot of pollen from trees, grasses and plants floating in the air. With hay fever you have an allergy to the pollen. Your mucous membranes become irritated when this pollen comes into contact with your eyes, nose, mouth, throat or […]

  • Dokter gebruikt stethoscoop

    Parents with young children

    Parents with young children regularly call the GP Emergency Station unnecessarily when their child is sick. Many of these calls are avoidable. Parents can be better informed about the GP Emergency Post, when you should or should not call. What are the signs of a sick child? What can you pay attention to as parents?In […]